Hang Man

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Proper Baby Etiquette

I was looking at pictures of baby Delanie and thinking that she is so cute! I can see both Karl and Monica in her. She going to be a dark skin, dark eyed little peanut. She is the kind of baby that people will walk up to and say: "she's so adorable!" What about the babies that aren't adorable? Let's be honest, there are babies out their that are just plain ugly. Don't get me wrong, I think all babies are precious and deserving of love no matter how hideous they look, but when you peek inside a baby stroller your looking for that cute little bundle of squishy flesh. Seeing that just makes people smile. What happens when you peek inside and you see a baby that looks like its been run over by a lawn roller? Your immediate reaction is to say: "Oh my God!", but you have to control yourself, (a): because you don't want to hurt the parents feelings, and (b): because if you startle the baby it will start to cry and an ugly baby is even uglier when it's crying. Now since you've made the gesture to look inside the stroller you are pretty much obligated to comment. What do you say? "Oh my gosh, I've never seen such an ugly baby." Not the right thing to say, it just makes you sound shallow. Save those comments for later. You don't want to say; "Oh it's so cute" either. First of all, never call a baby, "it". That is just adding insult to injury because the parents know their baby is ugly even if they don't say it out loud. So calling their ugly baby "it" is really a low blow. Secondly, if you say a baby is cute and it isn't, then that makes you a liar. Nobody likes a liar. It's better to use words like: "precious" and "God's little miracle." Those are safe terms since they describe babies as a group in general. The next issue is the sex of the baby. Some parents get offended when you call their baby the wrong sex. That's just stupid. Babies are usually bald, wrinkly and sleeping. So unless they are dressed in the traditional color coded pink for girls, and blue for boys, then it's a toss up. But again, don't say; "Is it a boy or girl?" Say; "Is your baby a boy or girl?" Remember the term "it" should be avoided. Sometimes though you'll see a baby dressed in pink with a pink blanket and stroller, and a pink bow in its hair and some moron will ask; "oh is it a boy or girl?" It's best to just ignore those people because they are idiots. I'm just glad that I don't have to worry about ugly babies in our family. McKee descendants have the cute baby gene.


Manders24 said...

Oh mama! I am scared for any future children of the family, they better all be cute:) Once I had jax in a blue outfit in his blue carseat with a blue blanket and someone had the nerve to say awww how old is she. I don't know if the ugly baby thing is worse, or when people ask you when you are due, when you just had your baby? Should I be worried...I have had some people approach Jaxon with word like: sweet, wow he is all boy,precious...so does that mean they think he is ugly?

Patti said...

Sweet and precious are kind of generic and he is definitely all boy, but he is also a cutie patootee! Anyone that doesn't think so gets a punch in the nose from Nanu!

Yourmamasbooty said...

I am definitely the best looking guy in the family!