If you Google "whaddupdoe", my blog is the 2nd entry. Woo hoo! I don't really know what that means, but it's cool. The first entry is a video for a song called "Whaddup doe" or maybe it's "What's Up Doe", pronounced whaddup doe. Anyway, it's a rap song by a guy named Tone Tone. According to the video, whaddup doe is a Detroit greeting. So....Whaddup Doooooe...Detroit!! I'm sure someone looking for Tone Tone's video has happened onto my blog by mistake. They probably thought; what the hell is this? I'm definitely no rapper. My name of whaddup doe is also a greeting. But not to a girl, I really mean a doe. As in doe a deer a female deer. It was Bryan's idea and I kind of stole it. I actually bought the whaddupdoe.com name. There is no website there yet, but we have big plans, really big plans for that later. It will be more of a hunting and outdoor format. Maybe we can get Tone Tone to rap about one of the guys hunting adventures.
I've googled my name. Under one of my massage therapy associations, it is listed that I specialized in Soma Veda Thai Yoga. I don't even know what that is! Another example of why not to believe everything you see on the Internet. You can believe me though. I wouldn't lie to you.
Sure you should believe everything you read on the net. Al Gore hasn't invested heavily in electric energy and other green technology. Thats a good one. The Soma Veda Thai Yoga reference is merely shortened like text messages. It means that someone named Velda specialized in Thigh masages to help you with your Yoga. Its really simple just go with it.
Oh! Who knew?
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