My New Year's resolution is to not make any resolutions. Most people including me like to make the resolution to lose weight or exercise more. That is a great resolution, but rarely lasts more than a couple months. I would like to make the resolution that I will be 10 years younger by the end of the year, but short of a major miracle, that isn't going to happen either. Unless of course I visit my friendly neighborhood plastic surgeon. Funny thing, I got a Christmas e-mail from Dr. Lee's office. Seems they have a 10% discount offer going on right now. Even plastic surgeons are feeling the economic crunch. He's gonna have to wait though, I'm not up for that. (At least not yet).
Actually I am going to make a resolution. It's not something I can really fail at because it can't really be measured, so I am safe from ridicule for not having kept it. I resolve to make an "effort" to leave the house more and be more social. I know, Weird! I am actually well on my way to becoming a hermit. If I could get someone to shop for me, I would probably never leave the house. I am perfectly happy and content to stay in my own little world. I'll work on that and I guess we'll see what happens.
Ummm....I will still be your personal shopper if the need ever arises:) I am only here to help you out Patti.
Sarah you are so Altruistic.
okay, what ever you say....
I hate all the people who vow to lose weight and take up my treadmill/elipticals when I try to go work least they fade by the end of the month!
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