Last evening when I went to lock up the girls for the night, all of the young chickens were still out in the barn running around. My two old girls were already up on their roost and ready for bed. Even old chickens turn in early.
The old adages that come from chicken behavior now make sense to me. For instance: "don't count your chickens before they hatch." Mainly because not all chicken eggs are viable. "Don't get your tail feathers ruffled." If you try to take an egg out from under a hen, they will fluff up their tail feathers as a sign of agitation and warning. "Cocky", or "cock of the walk." Roosters strut around like they own the place. "Hen pecked" is a good one. The hens will seek out a weaker hen and pick at the feathers on their rump. Once they start picking they don't usually stop. If pecked at long enough, they sometimes die. I could go on and on but you get the idea.
I have, however; solved the age old question of: "which came first the chicken or the egg?" It was the chicken of course. Without the chicken to sit on the egg to incubate it, it wouldn't survive. I'm glad that is finally settled.
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1 comment:
Not sure why but I do know that they can average 9 mph while doing it.
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