Second full day at the nursing home and Mom says; "I hate it!" That sucks, but if I remember correctly she said the same thing about Kingston. I realize there will be an adjustment period so I am not getting to bent out of shape over it. She can't really pinpoint anything specific as to what she hates. She says everyone treats her nice. I think she would tell me if they weren't. I am making myself known. Asking names and hanging notes. See I know how this works. I've never worked in a nursing home, but I've worked at Hospice home and in the hospital. When you have three shifts plus weekend shifts at some point you need to make an appearance during all of them. Stuff gets missed, some people don't care, and some get so busy they forget what you ask them. Case in point, she's already missing two pair of pants and a shirt and I am the one doing her laundry. Obviously someone didn't check her chart and ended up putting her clothes in the house laundry. I told anyone that I saw about the issue. I figure out of six or so people one of them is bound to follow through and find them. I'm not out to make enemies. On the contrary, I want to make friends. I want them to be happy to see me when I visit but understand that I expect a certain level of care for my Mama and I will be watching. The thing that bothers me the most is the age of all of the aides. Most of the ones I have seen so far are between 18 and 22ish. Most girls that age don't have a clue about the life experiences of a geriatric patient or how to treat them with dignity. They are all nice enough, but are they willing to get in and do the dirty work that is needed to properly care for someone that cannot do it themselves? I guess time will tell.
I took her lunch today and we sat outside. I brought her McDonalds. One thing that hasn't diminished is her appetite. She ate every last bit of a fish sandwich, fries and a strawberry shake. I thought she was going to suck the wax off of the paper cup. She did everything she could to get every last drop. She can't do much of anything so eating is a good pastitme. Hershey's bar with almonds is her favorite. I wish I could eat Hershey bars and strawberry shakes and be happy about it.
A lack of comments does not mean that I don't read each and every entry. I just want you to know how much I appreciate everything that you are doing for mom. When your growing up and you move away from home you never think about the things that will be necessary as loved ones get older. I never even thought of me being 65 and collecting social security. Well guess what its here and so am I. As I read about moms daily issues it brings me closer to the reality that I'm probably not too far off from the same situation. (probably twenty years but time has a way of getting away from you) I just hope that I will (I'm sure I will) get the same loving care that you are giving mom in my absence. I love you very much.
I love your too! I'm happy to take care of our Mama.
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