Hang Man

Friday, March 6, 2009

Baby Dolls, Prune Juice and Veggie Hot Dogs

I love being a Grandmother! I can entertain my grandkids while torturing my kids at the same time. I bought a new toy today to add to the playroom that I have set up for the grandkids. I got a cute, cuddly, pink clothed baby doll that coos and giggles and sucks a pacifier. It came with a pink and brown polka dot stroller. I intentionally got it for the boys. At Christmas I got a baby for Addy and the boys played with it probably more than she did. It was a good purchase because Nicholas and Jax played with it today, and they loved it! Jax would take it and cuddle it and say "come here, your fine." Nicholas was more interested in the purse that I gave him to use as a diaper bag. Bryan came to pick up Nicholas and saw the doll and immediately started poking it and shaking it to make it talk. "Daddy, don't shake the baby." Even Nicholas knows how not to treat a baby. Bryan and Brad will thank me one day when their boys grow up to be loving nurturing fathers.

Lunch time was fun as well. I thought I would try out the soy based hot dogs on the boys see if they could tell the difference. Put a little ketchup on em and you couldn't tell the difference. "I'm thirsty Nanu." "How about some juice?" (1/2 apple juice and 1/2 prune juice.) "Nanu, what is that?" "Oh, it's apple berry juice." "Ooooh." My only regret with the prune juice is that Sarah is out of town this weekend and so she won't see the fruits of my labor. Sorry Bryan, Brad and Amanda. No, you know what? I'm not sorry! I have your children's colon health to look after. When the boys have their first colonoscopy and it comes back clean, the doctor is going to say: "It must be from the prune juice that their grandmother gave them as children." Again, everyone will be thanking me.

1 comment:

Manders24 said...

You are too funny. When you give Jax prune juice it doesn't bother, because I must have some issues to begin with...everytime my son poops it is like this wave of satisfaction rolls over me! so feed him all the prune juice you want.
That's what grandmas are for, they get to do all the stuff the mothers and fathers would get in trouble for...and the grandmas get away with it because, well lets face it, grandmas are cute and sweet and no one wants to hurt their feelings:)