Hang Man

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Congrats Mr. President (Good Luck)

I have to admit that I did not watch the inaguration today. I didn't realize that it was on during the day, and I'm a busy woman. I'm sure I can see the important parts later on the news, or online. I couldn't let the day go by however, without making some thought provoking comment on this momentous day. Whether you like President Obama or not you can't argue the fact that he has charisma. I heard 2 million people were at the inaguration. He has people excited and stoked up! The political process over at least the last year has gathered a monentum that keeps getting stronger. I hope that peoples expectations are not so over the top though that they expect miracles. Because you know what they say, "what goes up must come down", or "the higher you go, the farther you fall". You get the idea. We need a little yin yang (balance). I don't fault Bush for all the trouble in the US. Think about it, it takes thousands of people to run a government. The President is the scapegoat when things go wrong. It's human nature, we need a figure head to blame for all of our troubles. It makes us feel better. So do you think that any of the past presidents woke up one day and said: "I want to be President someday. I want to be a prisoner in my own house. I don't want to go outside without secret service watching my every move. I don't want to be able to go to the movie or a ball game by myself. I want 1/2 of the people in America to love me and the other 1/2 to hate me. If I have to send troops to war, I want the burden of bearing some guilt for the death of young soliders. I want to be blamed for everything that goes wrong in the country and not given much credit for the things I do right. I want to never be able to have a lazy relaxing day because I will be thinking about my huge responsibility 24/7? Yah, I want to be President." I seriously doubt it. I'm pretty sure most of the past Presidents had a genuine desire to make America a better place for all of us. That was their goal and desire, but the best laid plans always have a few wrinkles. So congratulations Mr. President, welcome to the White House.


Anonymous said...

The overwhelming number of comments speaks volumes

Patti said...

What does that mean exactly.

Steve said...

I guess it means that people are steering away from any political comments. Don't want to start any domestic wars. I'll agree he has a tough job but he wanted it so now we'll see what he can do.

Patti said...

was that you trying to be anonomass? Or someone else? I didn't really mean for it to be political, as in one side against the other. If you read it carefully, it's more about how hard the job is and how quick people are to judge. It was meant to be a positive look forward and to give the new President a chance. After all, he is the President of all of America.