Hang Man

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Chicken Names

Ok, I have 5 names so far, only 5 left so speak now or forever hold your peace. Lisa chose Thelma and Louise for a black and red hen. I named two cats that I got from Steve: Thelma and Louise and they turned out to be boys. At least I know the hens are girls. Lauren wants a red one named Breckenridge. Julian named a red one tooter. He thinks farts are funny. I'm pretty sure most 4 year olds think farts are funny. Nicholas likes Sugar for a black hen. He totally came up with that on his own. Brad unofficially likes Pox ( as in chicken pox), but he never picked a color. I will make an executive decision and pick a black hen for Pox, so actually that's 6 names. That leaves 2 red and 2 black that are yet to be named. I wonder if I will be able to tell them apart? Maybe I will crochet them ankle bracelets in different colors. Oh, don't think I won't do it.....just wait and see!


Lauren said...

You've been tagged (by me)! Go to my blog to see :)


Lisa said...

Did you change the kittens names or keep them? I would love to see you get their ankle bracelets on!

Lauren said...

Ooooh-Pox is a good one!

Steve said...

The names may have to shuffle around a bit. The mortality rate on young chicks is high. They are canabalistic. I don't mean to alarm anyone just pointing out a fact of chicken life. I raised phesants for a while and it was a chore to keep them alive long enough to release to the wild.

Patti said...

Buzz killer!

Patti said...

Lisa we actually changed the cats names when we found out they were boys. I didn't want them to have an identity crisis.

Cmishta Mishta said...

okay so i left the comment in the wrong blog...again...MIM for a chix sounds awesome...black or red doesn't matter.

Cmishta Mishta said...

maybe you could get id bracelets for them w/ their names engraved...